If you’re alive, you’re a creative person ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
There is a faded water stained picture I have in my possession that I drew in 1978 (and yes I feel old when I realise that was 37 years ago!) It is of a group of women at the hairdresser…and I love it. I love the the smiles on their faces, the detail of the salon, including some spiffy wigs for sale…just looking at it transports me back to being 8 years old and the feeling of joy and quiet satisfaction I felt when engaged in doing something I loved.
Now, I am under no illusions about my talents for drawing, and my woeful colouring in in this picture confirms my distinct lack of skills in this area. However, I love this drawing because it was probably the last time I created a piece of art and felt it was good enough. You see in my family (for better or worse), my younger sister was known as the ‘arty’ one, and I was considered the ‘brainy’ one. This may have been purely because I wore chunky tortoiseshell rimmed glasses as a kid in the seventies (before hipsters made them cool may I add) but regardless, these labels stuck for us both. I started to value my worth around being good academically at school, and viewed creativity and art as something my sister was good at and I was hopeless at.
And guess what? These self imposed labels stuck for YEARS. I completely stopped drawing (even though I used to love it) because I felt I was no good at it.
The amazing Elizabeth Gilbert (my literary girl crush) spoke about this recently, and shared the following, “All children naturally love to draw, but as time goes by, the talented and the gifted are singled out for specialness, and the rest of us put down our pencils, watercolors, and crayons forever — thereby losing a vital and exciting part of our creative interior lives.”
In other words, most of us stop drawing at a very specific point in our lives: the moment we were told (or decided for ourselves) that we weren’t good at it.
This was certainly true for me, and I can honestly say that I never attempted to draw again until a couple of years ago, when on the other side of forty, I started tentatively looking for the creative being I knew lurked deep within me. On a whim, I decided to enter an art supplies store (all the while feeling like a complete fraud) and hastily bought a sketchbook and drawing pencils. I left feeling strangely exhilarated, and as I hesitantly put my pencil to paper for the first time in so many years, I felt time stand still and once again entered that magical state known as creative flow.
Now, I’d love to say that I immediately created some amazing art (it was pretty crap actually!) but I didn’t care, I felt a long stifled feeling of creative life-force reappear, much like when I started writing again, or when I dance without abandon around my living room. These are feelings we must treasure throughout our lives, and not abandon to our long ago youth.
For as Elizabeth Gilbert so eloquently says in her latest book ‘Big Magic’, “A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner-continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you-is a fine art, in and of itself.”
I for one want to live my life like this, how about you?
I loved the book Big Magic so much, that I would love to GIVEAWAY a copy as it is truly a life changing read. Simply make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter (sign up in the green box above if you have not already), and comment below about your creative journey: Do you see yourself as creative? Did you give up being creative as a kid? How do you express yourself creatively?
I will randomly choose a winner and announce on Facebook, Instagram, and my newsletter by Wednesday 18 November. GOOD LUCK!
Ironically stopped being creative when I had kids! I think I told myself I didn’t have time. I felt guilty when there were other things that “needed to be done”. Looking forward to getting creative again.
I think that’s true for many women Dayna! However, making time for creative pursuits is so rewarding and an important part of self care x
Great piece. Love the part about the stories we tell ourselves, over time they do often become true and it’s something to be (kindly) conscious of. This book is on my wish list.
Thanks Felicity. Yes, I truly believed this ‘story’ about myself for the majority of my life! Better late than never though
Wonderful to read this Mel. Creativity has been an epic journey for me (as a Creativity Coach) – and I have worked with soooooo many women who have at some point decided “I’m not creative”. This is such an illusion. We are ALL innately creative. The encounter with any medium (pencils, paint, clay, movement, dance, music, voice, drama…) becomes a portal into our subterranean psyche, our Soul. There is gold there. And yes – unfortunately the ‘gifted’ ones are selected early on, and so the rest of us make a decision not to create from that early stage of development. This is so messed up. It is NOT about creating a literal masterpiece at any age – but about owning or reclaiming something we have lost. It takes courage to create! And I love that you went into that art supplies store and purchased the sketchbook… you did what you needed to do to make amends. Bravo. Enjoy. ♡
Thanks Kylian, and I adore your reply so much: everrything you say is completely true…xx
Great article Melissa! I definitely consider myself creative – for a long time I didn’t. I thought creative meant artistic. The most I can draw or paint is stick figures! But I think about my childhood & I was always making up plays & writing short stories & daydreaming & that’s definitely creative! What Kylian said above – we are all innately creative! I work in marketing & events now & you absolutely need to have a creative spirit to work with new ideas, new concepts, new brands.
I still write when I can & I always have 100 new ideas & plans & concepts I want to complete!
I understand the ebb & flow to my creativity now & know when it needs nurturing & inspiration & when i just need to let it out. There are also so many great platforms now that we can express our creative side which is awesome
Thank you for asking the question.
Sarah x
Thanks for your comment Sarah. I think a lot of people get creative and artistic mixed up: I know I did for a long time! You are so right that there are many great platforms available to us now (including this blog!) xx
I devoured Big Magic in one sitting and will go back to it – I loved the notion of simply being curious, always. Not sure about my artistic ability, but ironically, even though I pursued a career in journalism, I think I lost something of my creative writing wonder that I had when I was a kid – I need to find it again, well on the other side of 40 (47).
Yes Kathy, curiosity is a wondrous thing, often lost as we grow older. I am sure by the very act of inviting ‘big magic’ into your life, you will rediscover some of that creativity x
Elizabeth Gilbert is just the best! I always find myself nodding along as I read her words and silently screaming “YES! YES!”
My blog was born out of my desire to push myself to be creative every day. Now that I have kidlets, I want them to have the chance to embrace the creativity of the every day. Happy to have stumbled across your blog via the Rabbit Hole xxx
Me too Shannon, I love her so much! I agree that a blog is a fantastic way to express your creativity. Thanks for visiting xx
I told myself for a long time that I am not creative but I really like what you are getting at here, we are all creative until we are told we are not. It is so very true and something that I will make sure doesn’t happen to my two kids. Now I try to bring a little bit of creativity into my day but writing and redecorating and just making my mind think outside the box. Then my effort goes into telling my self confidence to keep going.
Sounds like you’re on the right track to me Karin!
Great piece Mel. I totally identify and loved learning to paint again a few years ago. My Mum was always the artist and I didn’t want to compete with her and she over-helped me as a child so I gave up. Now I watch my eight year old do incredible work and I’ve sent him to art classes while I spend hundreds of hours and dollars in art shops dreaming and wishing I could do more! But this post has pushed me forward- thank you x
Thanks Caylie. Yes, having an artist as a mum would make your own creative journey interesting! Sounds like you are on the right track though xx
I think I stopped being creative when I was managing creative people (performing artists). I convinced myself that they were the creative ones and I was ‘just’ an organiser. It’s been a journey back but now I crave creativity, it feeds my soul.
That’s interesting Caz, and understandable. But it’s so great that you recognise how important creativity is for you now x
You have described my life! Except my younger sister became the ‘arty’ AND the ‘brainy’ one, and I took myself off overseas to become the ‘traveller’ and avoid any comparisons!
I was pushed toward the maths and sciences in school in order to maximise my final score, despite the fact that I topped the school in English and yearned for music and the humanities. I went to University and completed a course I never enjoyed. My career served me well, but it took a long time to find my place. It is only now, in my mid-40s, that I am starting to have the confidence to try some more creative pursuits. Doesn’t it feel great?! I haven’t read ‘Big Magic’, but definitely intend to do so. Thanks for your encouragement and inspiration.
Yes I relate Julie, I actually did a Bachelor of Economics straight out of school as I was so out of touch with what I truly loved! I think the other side of forty is a perfect time to reconnect to your creative side. Good Luck!
I love this blog post! I used to love being creative as a kid but as I have gotten older I say I can draw or I can’t paint, but over the last few months I’ve wanted to get a couple of canvas’ and give it a go. I also bought a colouring book and plan on doing that a lot more too. My inner artist wants to come out and play and this is a brilliant reminder to let her out!!xxx
Thanks Kylie! You should definitely buy those canvases Kylie and let that inner artist shine!