
  • Welcome to The Other Side of Forty

    m6rT4MYFQ7CT8j9m2AEC_JakeGivens - Sunset in the Park

    A big hello to you, and thanks for taking the time to check out my brand new digs. I am a bit of a newbie to the online world (I only recently joined Facebook, I’m that behind the times), but I have to say I am already loving the shared vibe online of people looking to connect and better themselves. I know that we are all very busy, but hopefully my thoughts and musings about life on The Other Side of Forty will be somewhat interesting, sometimes amusing, and occasionally thought provoking. At the very least it will take no more out of your day than a round of two of Candy Crush (but be much better for your mental sanity!) Here’s to living your best life on The Other Side of Forty…

    Looking forward to getting to know you,


  • 10 fun and (slightly embarrassing) facts about me


    In the spirit of getting to know me a little better (or maybe a bit worse for those of you that already know me) here are 10 fun and embarrassing facts about me…
    1. I can rap sing badly all the words to Knowhow by Young MC (yes, those 6 months in the late ’80’s when I was a white suburban middle class teenage hiphop gangsta really paid off!)
    2. I once actually owned a pair of gold crushed velvet hot pants (is it worse or better that I wore them with black opaque tights?)
    3. I love cheesy 80’s movies, particularly Footloose, Ferris Bueller, and Pretty in Pink (and had crushes on Kevin Bacon, Charlie Sheen, and Andrew McCarthy, but not anymore I hasten to add- well maybe Kevin Bacon just a little bit!)
    4. I still love to dance, and have been know to rock the horsey dance, the running man, and the robot in public on the other side of forty (although not all at the same time!)
    5. I once worked in a lolly shop and ate so much chocolate and lollies during my shift, that I had to put the closed sign on the door and lie down on the floor in a food coma.
    6. When I was 17 and met Cameron Daddo, I secretly thought that he would dump his hot model girlfriend and ride off into the sunset with me to live happily ever after. If you don’t know who Cameron Daddo is, you were clearly not an Australian teenage girl in the late 80’s/early 90’s or you had better things to do than read Dolly Magazine.
    7. I once spent a week in Salzburg, Austria, and barely left the hostel I was staying at, preferring to drink beer with other Australians, rather than see the cultural delights that Salzburg had to offer (I did watch the ‘Sound of Music’ on TV- that counts doesn’t it?)
    8. My first job was as a roller skating sandwich delivery girl (and I was not a good roller skater or a great sandwich maker for that matter!)
    9. My favourite memory of my first trip to Venice, is not seeing the Grand Canal or St. Marks square for the first time, but that a good looking Italian man helped me with my luggage up and down the steps of the main canal bridges, while my three travelling companions were struggling with their bags in the distance, giving me the evil eye.
    10. I used to have fun demonstrating to my kids that I could speak fluent Mandarin, French, Italian, and German, until my son told his teacher, and I had to explain that I am basically a liar!

    Don’t forget to sign up to my fortnightly newsletter in the green box at the top of the page, and receive my tip sheet ‘4 easy ways to invite more fun into your life today’ for FREE. I promise no rapping. robot dancing, or wearing hot pants is involved!